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LYP Women's Leadership
and Career Development Program

The LYP Flagship Program is a leadership and career development program designed exclusively for ambitious, motivated professional women who are ready to be more

and earn more, give more and get more.


Award-winning trainers Dr. Jean Kim and Lilit Simonyan guide program participants to reflect on their interests, competencies, and passion, allowing them to set clear professional goals and a strategic course of action.


The program helps enhance leadership soft skills that are cornerstones for career success: self-awareness; self-motivation; social & emotional intelligence; communicating one's value & voicing goals; and building meaningful and long-lasting networks. As a result, participants gain increased confidence, a greater sense of personal leadership, and a supportive community of like-minded women who also hold them accountable.

Interested to learn how the
LYP Women's Leadership & Career Development Program can support you or your organization?

Program Components 

Strategic Career Planning
LYP Program
Start the strategic process of goal setting and action planning while reflecting on your interests, competencies, and passion.
Meaningful Networking
LYP Program
Develop core strategies to grow your network while strengthening existing relationships. Learn how to engage stakeholders through the power of storytelling and effective communication.
Personal Branding
LYP Program
Identify your unique personal brand and articulate your value with clarity and confidence. Create strategies to communicate a consistent brand message across multiple channels in your professional life.
Personal Leadership
LYP Program
 Learn how to build inclusive relationships in the workplace, effectively work in diverse teams, and increase your self-mastery and social intelligence.
Negotiation Skills
LYP Program
Build confidence in your influencing power and ability to reach a win-win agreement. Advance your competencies and strategies to effectively negotiate upwards or sideways within your organizations or externally with clients or suppliers.
Action Planning
LYP Program
Build on the learnings from Modules 1-5 and create a clear, strategic action plan that brings tangible results. Establish an accountability structure to stay on track and meet your goals.
LYP Program
Private Panel Discussion
& Networking Event
Upon completion of the 6 program modules, put all of your learnings into practice at our private LYP Panel Discussion & Networking Event, open exclusively to LYP Program participants and alumnae. Engage in honest conversation with inspiring female panelists/mentors who have overcome their hurdles to live their potential. Apply your program learnings by communicating your personal brand message and creating meaningful relationships with those in attendance.
Bonus 1
Bonus 2
Bonus 3
LYP Program
LYP Program
LYP Program
Access to private on-line LYP alumni page, allowing you to connect with our program graduates from all over the world
VIP invitation and alumni discounted
tickets to LYP events
Opportunity to showcase your talents
and expertise by speaking at LYP events
as a panelist or moderator

LYP Program Pillars - The 3Cs



LYP Program

Dr. Ibukun Abejirinde 
Global Health Researcher & Consultant
2019 LYP Scholarship Recipient

LYP Program was the perfect blend of energy, motivation and insight that I needed as a Canadian newcomer who was concerned about transitioning my career from a rewarding trajectory into the unknown. Not only did the program meet my expectations, it superseded them!

At the end of day two, I felt more confident about communicating my professional brand with clarity, confidence and consistency. I was armed with information on how to chart a strategic career path in Canada and globally, and the doors were wide open to a lifelong network of women living their potential. I am personally grateful for the gift of learning from the experiences of other women in the cohort from diverse professional backgrounds. LYP is now part of my Canadian success story and I will certainly pay the investment forward.

Learn more about how the LYP Women's Leadership & Career Development Program can support you or your organization. 

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